July 18, 2021 – 8th Sunday after Pentecost

This Sunday, we celebrated our first hybrid worship service with some people in-person in the sanctuary and others joining us via Zoom. What a wonderful day it was! Listen as Pastor Melanie Vaughn-West encourages us in these new days. These words from John Edgerton began our worship service:

You who have waited lonely months,

Walk through the doors! You who have been locked down,

The bolts are thrown open!

You who will remain at home to worship,

For whom health or distance make your home the fittest sanctuary

You will not be shut out again.

Having opened a new door through camera’s lens,

The warm embrace of community has found its focus.

Having found that our reach is as wide as the globe,

Loving hearts now know how wide their reach can be.

To the one clamoring for more and sooner,

To the one pleading for less and later,

To the one who feels that all is now well,

To the one whose guard is still up,

To the one who feels this has all been overblown

To the one who mourns the death of their loved ones,

Help us to know how to gather again, in love, in peace, in faith, in justice.

(written by John Edgerton, based on Psalm 24:9-10)