March 6, 2022 – 1st Sunday of Lent

Jan Richardson writes a blessing based on Jesus being baptized, hearing God call him “Beloved,” and then the Holy Spirit immediately driving him into the wilderness for forty days. The Lenten Season is traditionally understood as our own metaphorical venture into the wilderness of our hearts, where we wrestle with demons, and are waited on by angels.

In her blessing, Jan Richardson reminds us that during this journey, it is crucial to remember our identity as God’s Beloved: “If you would enter into the wilderness, do not begin without a blessing. Do not leave without hearing who you are: Beloved, named by the One who has traveled this path before you.”

So, put on your heavy-duty, heart boots as we venture into this wild terrain of our own souls, expecting danger, fear, hunger, thirst, scorching sun, and dark of night. And also expecting strange graces to fly to meet us, bearing comfort, strength, nourishment, and yes…a reminder of who we are. Listen as Pastor Melanie Vaughn-West invites us into this season.